For people with big goals...

Visualize Your Dream Life

What does your dream life look like?

Loved by 2000+ Visionaries

Join 2,000+ artists, creators, and visionaries who improve their lives with Satva

How it works

Input your goals, get your vision

1. Choose your vision type

We have different vision types for different purposes. Choose from health, career, abundance, and more!

2. Tell us a bit about you

What does your dream life look like? The more specific you are in your description, the better.

3. Generate your vision

a beautiful mountain home in a picturesque valley

We'll create a unique, emotionally compelling story that places you in your ideal reality.

Visualize your wildest dreams with AI images

Make your dreams come to life with AI Images. Available on Satva Pro and Satva Premium

a scenic off grid cabin
a glowing urban kitchen
a scenic off grid cabin

Schedule visions to stay consistent & make real progress

Automatically receive a new vision in your email inbox every month, week, or day.

Benefits of Visualization

Visualization has been shown to increase performance, motivation, and confidence.

  • 💪 Increase Motivation

    A study in the Journal of Sport & Exercise Psychology found that athletes who combined physical and mental training, including visualization, showed greater improvement than those relying on physical training alone. This principle applies to any goal, be it in sports, your career, or personal development.

  • 🧘Reduce Anxiety, Boost Confidence

    Research from the University of Exeter revealed that visualization techniques significantly reduce anxiety and increase confidence. A calm mind breeds confidence, and confidence breeds success.

  • 🏆Used by Champions

    Elite athletes like Tiger Woods and Serena Williams have long harnessed visualization to achieve peak performance. Visualization isn't just a practice; it's a proven path to success.

Create My Free Vision Now